Harischandra Mills PLC, HARI.N0000:CSE profile - FT

Harischandra Mills PLC is engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of food products, soaps, and fuel and lubricants. The Company's segments include Food Products, Fuel and Lubricant, and Soap. Its products include instant products, coffee, flour, noodles, papadam, kithul treacle, coconut vinegar, pickles and gingelly rolls. ...

ЖУРАМ БАТЛАХ ТУХАЙ /Газрын тосны ...

1. "Газрын тосны бүтээгдэхүүний тусгай зөвшөөрөлтэй холбоотой нарийвчилсан журам"-ыг хавсралтаар баталсугай. 2. Энэхүү тушаалын хавсралтаар батлагдсан журмыг Хууль зүйн асуудал эрхэлсэн ...

About Us – Harischandra

Harischandra Mills PLC reserves the right to make changes or updates to the Site at any time without notice. Every effort is made to keep the Site up and running smoothly. However, Harischandra Mills PLC takes no responsibility for, and …


Harischandra Mills PLC 39,725 31,216 88,700 93,854 125,146 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Basic/Diluted Earnings per Share 20.69 32.52 46.21 97.78 130.39 Notes : The above figures are provisional and subject to audit. Figures in brackets indicate deductions. All values are in Rs.'000, unless otherwise stated. ...


Complete customer satisfaction is our objective. Since 2017 Peaty Mills have been BRC Certificated and members of the British Fruit Juice Association. contact. contact. Tel: +44 (0)1732 879800. Email: HQ@peatymills.

Гоймон "Federici": бүтээгдэхүүний найрлага ...

Гоймон - нь тал нь хоол шиг, магадгүй, дэлхийн хаана ч байдаг. үндэстэн бүр өөр өөр сүмс нь өөр тэднийг бэлтгэх, тэдний мах, загасны хоол баяжуулж байна. гоймон "Federici" холимог таны хүсэл бүр хангаж, өдрийн хоол эсвэл оройн

To enhance our heritage - Harischandra

NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the 69th Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of Harischandra Mills PLC (the "Company"), will be held on Saturday, 25th September 2021 at 11.00 a.m. online via virtual platform for the purpose of considering and if thought it, passing the following resolutions 1. To receive and consider the annual report of the board of …


Harischandra Mills PLC is engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of food products, soaps, and fuel and lubricants. The Company's segments include Food Products, Fuel and Lubricant, and Soap. Its products include instant products, coffee, flour, noodles, papadam, kithul treacle, coconut vinegar, pickles and gingelly rolls.


5.1.3.санхүүгийн үүсмэл хэрэгсэл ашиглан энэ хуулийн 3.2.1-д заасан бараа, бүтээгдэхүүний импортод шаардлагатай гадаад валютыг ханшийн эрсдэлийг бууруулж импортлогчдод нийлүүлэх бөгөөд банк энэ эх үүсвэрээр ашиг олох ...


Company Information. Company Name HARISCHANDRA MILLS LTD. Founded 1934. Products / Services Range Noodles, Coffee, Rice Flour Range, Vinegar, Kurakkan Flour. General Contact Info. Address No.11 CA Harischandra Mawata Matara. Telephone (94) 41-2224701/708. Fax (94) 21-2222003.

Contact number for Harischandra Mills PLC ️ contacts.lk

About Harischandra Mills PLC. contact number Harischandra Mills PLC you can find in here . Harischandra Mills PLC contact number is 041-2224701.Harischandra Mills PLC hotline number is 041-2224701.. how to contact Harischandra Mills PLC . contacts.lk help you to find important document like contact number, phone nimber and user reviews. contact number of …