The SEELYS - Tibshelf Local History

The SEELYs, Babbington Colliery Co and Tibshelf Collieries. The SEELYs were a family originating in Lincolnshire. CHARLES SEELY I (3 October 1804- 21 October 1887) was born and educated in Lincoln itself as the oldest son of Charles Seely and Ann Wilkinson.. He became a wealthy industrialist and Liberal MP for Lincoln twice between 1847-1848 ...

5 images tagged with 'Babbington Colliery Railway' :: …

Tags: Babbington Colliery Railway top:Canals X top:Educational Sites X place:Nottingham Canal X top:Railways X top:Roads, Road Transport X top:Suburb, Urban Fringe X place:Western Boulevard X place:Wollaton Road X East from Western Boulevard Bridge by John Sutton geograph for square SK5440. The green-and-white buildings in the distance are the ...

RAILSCOT | Babbington Colliery

Babbington Branch Junction. Bennerley Viaduct. Digby Sidings Junction. Bennerley Junction. Ilkeston West Junction. Watnall Tunnel (GNR) Watnall Tunnel (MR) Lodge Colliery. Location names in dark blue are on the same original line.

babbington colliery history

Coal. She is a white, non hispanic female … 15's East. Local History 1. P&P: + £2.99 P&P. Shopping, Location In 1972 the Blackshale seam was developed from the Tupton horizon and is still being worked at the present time. BABBINGTON COLLIERY SOUTH NOTTINGHAMSHIRE AREA. The colliery was developed in 1841/1842 when No's 1 and 2 shafts were originally …

Babbingtonin colliery - Babbington Colliery -

Babbington Colliery, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Cinderhill Colliery, oli hiilikaivoksessa on Cinderhill, Nottinghamshire, Englanti.Kaivos avattiin vuonna 1841 ja oli läänin ensimmäinen laajamittainen hiilikaivos.Se sai nimensä alkuperäiseltä omistajalta, Babbington Coal Company -yhtiöltä, joka perustettiin vuonna 1839 työskentelemään matalissa kaivoksissa lähellä …

Babbington Colliery | Mining Heritage

by David Amos | Oct 6, 2019 | Event, Uncategorised. The East Midlands Coalmining Industry and my part in it. Title: 'The East Midlands Coalmining Industry and my part in it'. Event: An Illustrated talk by Ian Revill, retired Assistant Colliery Surveyor at Babbington and Annesley Collieries. Date: Tuesday,...

Babbington colliery, Nottinghamshire. Photograph …

Babbington colliery, Nottinghamshire. Photograph depicting: Babbington. General view from No 6 tippler house looking north to No 6 shaft, showing R.O.M. conveyor from No 6 shaft to screens and material tracks and stock ground. Note: [Grid references: OSGB36: SK 496 479; WGS84: 53.025783, -1.260402]. WGS84 interpolated from OSGB36.

Babbington Dog Rescue - Give a Dog a Loving Home 0115 …

SHOP, CAFE & CHILDREN'S PLAY AREA - CATTERY & BOARDING KENNELS. We also have boarding facilities to look after your dog while you are on holiday. Babbington Hall Kennels and Cattery provides accommodation suitable for all types of dogs, together with a small internal cattery. Our boarding company supports Babbington Rescue.

Cinderhill Colliery 1890. | Coal, Colliery and Mining Forum.

The successful workings of the above seams led Thomas North, at the age of 31, to sink two. seven foot diameter shafts at Cinderhill in 1842. The sinking of Cinderhill Colliery. (now called Babbington) took place between 1841 and 1843 by Thomas North. No.s 1 and 2 shafts, to be seen near the main Nuthall to Nottingham Road were 7 ft diameter.

Is this really Babbington pit? - Nottstalgia Nottingham …

Definatly Babbington Colliery. The two shafts on the right laterly worked as tandem upcasts are the original shafts of 1842, The larger headgear was the coal winding downcast No.4 shaft. The original main road to Nuthall etc is close to the wall with the VW van. The new road with the NCT bus was built after I left Nottingham and I am not sure ...

Babbington colliery, Nottinghamshire. Photograph …

Babbington colliery, Nottinghamshire. Photograph depicting: Project EM/6/50. Underground reconstruction. Electrical sub-station at top of bunker drift and No 4 pit bottom junction, drift conveyor installed over roof of sub-station. Installed August 1958. Note: [Grid references: OSGB36: SK 496 473; WGS84: 53.020389, -1.260494].