Dongfeng Motor Corporation - Wikipedia

Dongfeng Motor Corporation Ltd. is a Chinese state-owned automobile manufacturer headquartered in Wuhan, Hubei.Founded in 1969, it is currently the third largest of the "Big Four" state-owned car manufacturers of China, namely: SAIC Motor, FAW Group, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, and Changan Automobile, with car sales of 5.37 million, 3.50 million, 3.28 million …

Dongfeng EQ2050 - Wikipedia

The Dongfeng EQ2050 is a Chinese-made armored vehicle based on the Humvee, manufactured for government use by the Dongfeng Motor Group.It is known to be sold by the company for 700,000 Yuan ($93,000). The vehicle was created after People's Liberation Army (PLA) officials saw the Humvee deployed in the Gulf War.While it is used in the PLA, it has also been …

Dongfeng KR - Dongfeng Trucks

The Dongfeng KR truck is frequently used for medium duty construction works. Curved dashboard and with good visability. All instruments and controls are easy to read and reach. Dongfeng DDi45 engine is in line with Euro4 and potentially with Euro5, with the displacement of 4.75 litre. Electronically controlled pre-injection and post-positioned ...

МАК Цемент ХХК / MAK Cement LLC -

PC 62.5 МАРКИЙН ЦЕМЕНТ Маш өндөр чанарын бетоноор хийх ажилд зориулагдсан цемент. Бат бэхийн доод хэмжээ нь 62,5 МПа (буюу 700 кг/см²). WRC МАРКИЙН ЦЕМЕНТ – (УСАНД ТЭСВЭРТЭЙ ЦЕМЕНТ) Энэхүү цементийг ...

Dongfeng Motor Corporation - Wikipedia

Манай компаний үйлдвэрлэсэн битум эмульсийн үйлдвэр нь нэг тосны үндсэн хүрээтэй, нэг халуун устай сав, хоёр эмульсэн шингэн холих сав, нэг битум сав, нэг эмульс битум сав (шилжилтийн үед ...

DongFeng Motor

Discover DongFeng models The DONGFENG is a second-biggest car manufacturer in China with a tradition of over 50 years in the automotive segment and with yearly production of over 3.5 million cars. We offer several models in personal cars, SUVs, small trucks, trucks and buses segment with combustion or electric mobility.

Dongfeng EQ2102 General Utility Truck | Military-Today

Fording. 1 m. The Dongfeng EQ2102 is a Chinese military truck with 6x6 configuration. It is a Chinese militarized version of Nissan Diesel Condor commercial vehicle. The EQ2102 was produced by Dongfeng. Currently the Dongfeng corporation is one of China's largest automotive manufacturers, providing a number of designs, used by the Chinese army.

Dongfeng Cotizador

Cotiza tu próximo Dongfeng aquí mismo. Todos los modelos que quieras con la mejor financiación. Dongfeng Ecuador con el resaldo de Corporación Maresa.


Монгол Улсын үндэсний аюулгүй байдалд аюул занал учруулж болзошгүй гадаад, дотоод хүчин зүйлийг тагнуулын аргаар илрүүлэх, урьдчилан сэргийлэх, таслан зогсоох, төрийн эрх бүхий байгууллага, албан тушаалтанд ...

Dongfeng Trucks

Meet Dongfeng Race Team, a unique cross-cultural group, and the first Volvo Ocean Race team ever to include several Chinese sailors. Quicklinks to our trucks. Link to Volvo. Originated from the Chinese culture and further developed on craftsmanship with trust, professionalism and global techniques. The truck is a tool for professional ...


ХЭРХЭН САЙН БОРЛУУЛАГЧ БОЛОХ ВЭ? Сайн борлуулагч болохын гол түлхүүр нь түүний борлуулалтын үйл явцаас шууд хамааралтай. Хэдийгээр бид тодорхой заасан хэмжээ бүхий бараа бүтээгдэхүүн худалдаалах зорилготой ч ...


CAMIONES DONGFENG. Conócenos. Tiempo de experiencia en el mercado: más de 29 años. Más de 10,000 unidades. comercializadas a la fecha. 5 concesionarios y más de 15 talleres autorizados a nivel nacional. Formamos parte del Grupo Euromotors, representante de marcas de …

Dongfeng Motor

The Official Dongfeng Motor Site provide you with the latest information on the full range of models, Dongfeng Motor official price, Dongfeng Motor latest market activities and news, Dongfeng Motor official authorized dealers, Dongfeng automobile financial services and accessories of the detailed information. The Official Dongfeng Motor Site will keep global …

Dongfeng Motor Group - Wikipedia

Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. known also as DFG is a Chinese holding company based in Wuhan, Hubei Province.Its H shares were listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange.. Dongfeng Motor Group formed several joint ventures with other foreign automobile makers, namely Luxgen, Honda, Renault-Nissan and Stellantis (which created by the merger of Fiat Chrysler …