Шилийн Богд орчмын хээрийн түймрийн шаталтын зэрэглэлийг …

Due to the increase in global climate change and related natural disasters, satellite observation and mapping technology have made it possible to monitor, predict, evaluate, and detect the environment, which is a clear indication of the importance of remote sensing. The main purpose of this study is to monitor the occurrence of fire disasters as a result of Sentinel-2 …

UCC Research | University College Cork

UCC Research works alongside researchers to grow their ideas into fundable proposals, and transform their research into impact that helps human lives, advances economic development, and addresses real-world challenges. We work with our research leaders to develop their strategies and to develop the next generation of research leaders.

UCC Research Profiles:, Student Health Service

Learn, Study and Research in UCC, Ireland's first 5 star university. Our tradition of independent thinking will prepare you for the world and the workplace in a vibrant, modern, green campus. University College Cork Menu. Uschi Linehan University College Cork …

Ucc Research Profilesdr Jorge Oliveira Process Chemical

Chemical Engineering And Processing, 108 :139-150 (2016) ... Degradation of Gentamicin Sulfate on Coated Titanium Surfaces UCC School of Pharmacy Research Day University College Cork,, 23-SEP-13 (2013) ... Jorge Oliveira, Humphrey A. Moynihan and Abina M. Crean; (2006) Alginate-Chitosan Beads: Determining the Influence of Processing Parameters ...

Research Impact and Innovation at UCC

9 UCC Researchers Ranked in the top 1% of their Field €105M Research Income in 2018/2019 Highest ever and 156% increase over 5 years Collaborations with over 4,284 research entities across 140 countries Since 2005, UCC researchers have secured over €1.25 billion in research funding investment 29 spinout companies