Popular X1 Micro Mill Drill at home and abroad - SIEG

Specifications. Review. • Cast iron construction. • Coarse feed for drilling, fine for milling. • Two function machine - vertical mill or small pillar drill. • Two electronically variable control spindle speed ranges. • Supplied with 10mm chuck, drawbar and service tools. Click to view Optional Accessories. Drilling capacity.

Transpose буюу хөрвүүлэлт | EXCEL.mn

Transpose буюу хөрвүүлэлт. Бидэнд босоо хэлбэрээр өгөгдсөн мэдээлэл байна. Үүнийг хэрхэн хөрвүүлж, хөндлөн хэлбэрт оруулах тухай авч үзье. Энэхүү үйлдлийг цаашид хөрвүүлэлт гэж нэрлэе. Мэдээж ...

Benchtop Machines > Sieg X1 Spindle

Hi there, I need to upgrade the spindle motor on my X1 mill to get a higher speed along with more power. I am aiming for a top speed of around 20000 RPM (only 10 times the standard speed... :) ). The reason for the high speed, is that I want to do some grinding work. What I was thinking about doing was getting some stainless/ceramic hybrid bearings for the …